
Scripture Organization Box

 Here's a way to go over verses and memorize them on your own or with your family (through homeschooling or otherwise). In a 3X5 index card holder label the following on some index cards: Daily, Odd, Even, Days of the Week (Monday--Sunday), and the numbers 1-31. You won't start off with a verse in every spot, but you would eventually read at least four verses every day.  You would read one verse from the "Daily" tab, one from the "Odd/Even" category (depending on if it's an odd or even numbered day: March 2nd is even, March 3rd is odd), another verse from the "Day of Week", and one from the "Number of the Month". When you feel ready with the verse, you move it further in box. The closer to the front, the more often you will be reading it. 
I wrote my verses on index cards and started sticking them in my tabs and I was excited about this new structure, but I will say with my three little ones I was forgetting to bring my box out every day. I am planning on holding onto my Scripture box and do this when we are more consistent with homeschooling. For now, I have taped verses around the house to read to the kids when we a near them--we have several near time-out. I hope you find this helpful and inspiring though!

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