
Baby Scrapbook Pregnancy

Here's the FIRST PAGE I've completed for my baby scrapbook.  I'm planning on doing a "combo" book.  I had my first two kids close in age (13 months apart) so I thought it would be cool to do their baby book together.  It will include all the significant parts of their first year of life.  So, pregnancy, birth, first bath, holidays...etc.  Some pages will be their own page (like this one) and some I will combine pictures and make one page for both kiddos.  I'm pretty excited and hope it will be awesome.  Let me know if you have any cool pics on your blog of a baby album you did or any ideas in general...I would love to include them in this scrapbook. :)
The very first page in the scrapbook will probably be a nice portrait of the boys, but this will immediately follow it.  This is my pregnancy with my first son, Nehemiah. 


  1. What a fun memory this will be. Love it! Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog too!

  2. Oh Melissa....These pages are ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!!!! What a FANTASTIC job you did and something I know you and your little boy will cherish forever!!!!!!! It is SO cool seeing your pregnancy through stages!!!!!! SO COOL!!!!! I also came by to THANK YOU for the sweet comment on my blog and these pages just blew me away!!! I hope you have a very blessed day!!!

  3. wonderful
    I loved your pages
    Hugs from Venezuela


Comments really let me know that I'm not just talking to myself here...Thank you!


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