Pirate Names (printed onto labels, got ideas for kids' names offline, stamped with pirate rubber stamps, sponged with brown paint):
Pirate Food:

Hooks (made with black paper cups, cardboard cut J-shaped and slipped into a hole at end of cup, then covered in foil):
Black & Red colors with pirate treasure scattered around and pirate music playing in the background:
You arrive on a dashed trail (black tape) leading to a red X marks the spot and a sign that reads "You made it to King Island...Now enter at your own risk" held by a skeleton (printed off the internet):Signs (printed on computer and burned the edges):
(cannon is normally a tether-ball)
Pirate Ships:
(Printed flags off the computer and glued to a toothpick)
Sea Dogs: Hot Dogs, Peanut Butter & JellyFISH: Sandwiches cookie cuttered into fish shapes, Swords: Fruit on a skewer, Pirate Teeth: Corn, Catch of the Day: Goldfish and Swedish Fish, Peg Legs: Pretzel Sticks, Gold Treasure: Cheese & Crackers, Pirate's Ale: Root Beer, Fresh Ocean Water: Regular water dyed with food coloring a blueish-green
Click here to see more cake details.
And lastly--Pirate Games! 1. Hook: Try to hook as many pretzels out of the crocodile's mouth as you can. 2. Treasure Hunt: hid 7 piles of treasure (rocks painted gold) around the backyard. The kids got one from each pile and then they got a prize. 3. Walk the Plank: kids walked over a pirate ship on a board sitting on bricks trying not to fall in. Older kids went backwards. 4. Cannonball Toss: throw as many cannonballs as you can and make them sink the pirate ship. 5. Peg-Leg Race: Standard 3-legged race with a new name.:
When the kids first arrived they also had a bunch of pirate pictures they could color (printed from internet images) & a pirate parrot to make. Thank you card is a 4X6 image of the boys blowing out their candles and on the back it says "Family and Friends are the best TREASURE of all! Thanks for coming to our pirate pARRty! (and for the awesome gifts)"
Wow, you should become a party planner. This looks amazing. You have put in sooooo much effort. What fabulous photos and a great way to remember the day and all of those details.